Plenty of Fish… Weird Fish.

Ya’ll…I am the QUEEN, and I mean QUEEN of online dating! The budget friendly way, you know on Tinder and such, cause I’m not about to pay; it’s not that serious…yet.  But it’s the typical situation: I would get bored with not having any potential baes and re-download the apps again and swipe away. I…

Reminder of My Worth – a note to self

Girl. You are amazing. Please stop letting people’s inability to see that, grasp that, embrace that, and reflect that change the damn facts. You are brilliant! Just because they don’t say it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t ring true, boo! Your mind is eccentric; your creativity never dulls. Your sense of humor is endless– truly you…

Dear Self…

You know the love you deserve. It’s dressed in reciprocity and accessorized in appreciation. It delights in honesty and consideration. It dabbles in constructive criticism with hopes to make the other better. Doubts have no room here, just faith and honest efforts.  Yes, you know the love you deserve. You won’t question its intentions or…

Closure from the clairvoyant…( the time I Ubered a psychic)

I did not seek this woman out, but apparently she was sent from above. She ended up helping me get closure from the confusion and sadness I felt after losing yet another loved one. She said “you’re troubled because you lost someone you loved due to a third party”…. I stared at the road as…

Something’s different…

I feel like a different person… This seems corny, but God has shown me so much in the past 7 months. I used to be one clingy bastard; my friends were like life-lines where I felt a great amount of joy and assurance was stored. The men in my life were in and out but…

Alone, but never lonely.

For a while I felt a strange series of emotions. Confusion met with its pal bewilderment & tormented me for a while. I repeated the situation over and over again to myself to ensure that I was in my right mind. It all came to no avail. No “Ah-ha!”moment, no revelation, not even a single…

Finally awake: A Quick rant about returning to Soc. medial

After taking time away from people and the swipe life, I realized how much was tainted. I realized how many had been exactly where I left them; some stuck in a pessimist downward spiral and others still fixated on the superficial things of this world. Where was I in all this? I’m not at all…

You have to come first (part 2) 

 I met a man in the slums selling water and as I bought one and smiled before accelerating at the newly lit green light, he said “keep that beautiful smile on”. I smiled and said “I’m trying!” He replied quickly and said ” God gave you that smile so you should always use it” and…

6 months of trial.

Y’all, I’ve been doing a great job at poker facing this year… But truth is I felt like I was dealt a losing hand. At the end of 2015, a 15 year friendship ended nastily and left me with a broken heart riddled with regret and remorse. Then I welcomed the New Year with speeding…